Why I hate the advertising industry...

  1. They tend to hire stupid and untalented people.
  2. People love to send a lot, A LOT of emails and nothing is achieved.
  3. Good ideas do not sell.
  4. When they say they want it now, they want it NOW. But when you say you want it now, it is usually ignored.
  5. There is a lot of 'borrowing' going around. Let me borrow your words, or your visual, or how about let me just borrow your work and say it is mine.
  6. There is a lot of waiting because this person and that cannot make it to the meeting. And in the end, you would be waiting and doing nothing the whole day and practically only start work after working hours.
  7. People lie because they can and it helps them to look smart and as if they have done their work.
  8. People love to talk A LOT and VERY LOUDLY, and tell JOKES to cover up for their lack of ideas or laziness.
  9. Your partner will be busy with his personal matters and be on the phone all the time, and you would have to do his work for him because the deadline is in an hour.
  10. There would be 3 people running the project but no one would know what is going on.
Yes, it isn't a myth, advertising does shorten lives.

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